Category Archives: Word or Phrase of the Day

Find out the definitions of words you’ve never heard of before. Increase your Balderdash skills.


1. Lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull. 2. Lacking taste, zest, or flavor; flat. This adjective sounds a lot like our dog. Most of the time he just lies around with a bored expression on his furry face. Visitors or … Continue reading

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A nosy person; a busybody. From the Latin phrase “quid nunc?” which means “what now?” Stump your friends with this one. Just don’t call them a quidnunc!

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An aquatic opossum of tropical America having webbed hind feet and a long tail. I discovered this little animal when I was browsing by dictionary for a word for today. This little guy happens to be the only aquatic marsupial. … Continue reading

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Caught up in the pursuit of unreachables; idealistic without regard to reality.   Capacrious; impulsive. This word was based on Don Quixote, written by Miguel de Cervantes in The Spanish Golden Age.  This word can refer to a hero or… someone up in the … Continue reading

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Rara avis

In Latin this phrase means “rare bird.”  In English, it’s an expression for a rare or unique person or thing.  Me!

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Idee fixe

A fixed idea; an obsession.  This phrase describes how little brother acts to a T.  Right now he’s obsessed with Pacman and the Pacman ghosts.  Don’t ask why.

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