My Little Phone

See this little baby? It’s mine! I got it as a belated, belated, belated birthday present, since I’m doing more activities and need a phone. (But I mainly play on it!) I’ve kind of hopelessly wished for years, and now I have one!

See the slide out qwerty key pad? Perfect for my fat fingers. The screen is so big I don’t have to squint without my contacts! And the screen is touchscreen! It even connects to the internet when we are at a hotspot!

But, it is best for playing games. You know ANGRY BIRDS! Sadly, I’ve been warped by my little brother to  play the games too. Don’t worry, I’m not as far gone.

The other day we went to a theatre practice and I had my phone belted on to my waist with one of those clippy cases. Bad idea! It fell off, and I couldn’t find it! I searched that theatre high and low and the car! I called and caled it! We finally had to leave. The next day Mom thought that we should search the grass where we parked. We were pulling in and I yelled,” That’s it!” It was in the parking lot all night, and it didn’t get stolen or run over! Now I have learned my lesson, and am much more careful. Speaking of my phone, I had better go find it….

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

It finally comes out this weekend, after waiting for years! The Hobbit has always been one of our family’s favorite books. And I recently saw The Lord of the Rings for the first time, so that will make it increasingly appropriate. After waiting this long, it had better be good!

From a young age I’ve listened to The Hobbit, and I just recently read it. Who couldn’t love Bilbo? All of the characters are excellent, though.  It’s surprising that they made that little book into three movies, though!

I enjoyed the Lord of the Rings. I think I’ll like this one better though, because I am more into adventure than war. (And because we were forced to look away for a third of it!) I like more of the focus on Bilbo and finding out how a little hobbit can make such a difference in the world!

But, I am sure I will like the other two movies better. This one has…… dare I say his name…… Gollum! (shiver) I’ve had a lifelong fear of him. If you’d have seen the old cartoon version you would understand. He looked like a frog and had such an evil voice.  And it doesn’t help that my siblings go around saying “Precious” and “IT came to me on my birthday!” So you can pity me as I lie in bed shivering one dark night after I see it…..

The Hobbit

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Super Mario Galaxy 1, 2, and 3?

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy-


My personal favorite of the two. Super Mario Galaxy stunned gamers everywhere with it’s amazing graphics. I’ve played this game on my own, but I have mainly served as “top co-star” for my dad. He has beaten this game with Mario and Luigi. (Quite an impressive feat!) When he played as Mario, he kept telling my mom only a couple more stars and then I have beaten it!  Then Luigi was unlocked, and of course he had to beat it with him too!

Super Mario Galaxy 2-

The graphics are even clearer and brighter than the first.  My job as co-star had a dramatic increase, since I was a luna instead just being able to click on things. There also is a few

Super Mario Galaxy 2

new items such as the cloud suit and boulder suit, and Yoshi appears. In my opinion, the first game is better. Why? Well, the first hundred or so levels are really easy for the champion of the first game. Once you get through the those levels you get a few INCREDIBLY hard levels. Also disappointed, was the lack of storyline like the first. In the first game we got to know Rosalina and her story but here it’s pretty much just the same old “Save the princess” or “The princess is in another castle” storyline. It is still a very good game and worth playing though.

Super Mario Galaxy 3?

I still check periodically for confirmed news of this. They might do it on the Wii-U or the 3DS, but being a house of wii players I’m hoping it will be for the wii. I’m guessing the co-star job will increase and a few new power ups will also appear.

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Do you know about all the different types of clouds? You will now! Clouds can be flat, puffy, massive, wispy, and many more adjectives. If you stop to notice the sky you can see some very beautiful things. Here are the 10 types of clouds:


  1. Cirrus

Theses clouds are very high in the sky; they are usually 6-12 km high. They are very wispy, fibrous, and delicate. Streamy, white cirrus clouds.They can also be called mares’ tails.

2. Cirrocumulus

These clouds are also 6-12 km high and can be described as small tufts or thin ripples. A sky with cirrocumulus clouds in it can be called a “mackerel sky” because it resembles the scaley body of a mackerel fish.

Cirrocumulus clouds or a mackerel sky

3. Cirrostratus

Theses high level clouds can look thin whitish veils. Very often they create a halo around the sun or moon.

Cirrostratus clouds with a halo

4. Altocumulus

These clouds can be found between 2-6 km high. They are described as rounded, rolls, or patches. When these clouds are in the sky the sun can look like a disk.

Altocumulus clouds

5. Altostratus

These middle-layer clouds  are like fibrous blankets or sheets. The sun can not shine it’s shadow through these clouds.

6. Nimbostratus

This is the first cloud type of the lower layer. (.8-2 km) These are usually precipation bringing, low, dark, and layered clouds.

Nimbostratus clouds

7. Stratus

These low level clouds are low and like a sheet or blanket. If it is at ground level it is known as fog.


Stratus clouds seen as fog

8. Stratocumulus

These clouds are wavy looking and are puffy on top with a dark and flattened bottom. They are also found in the lower layer.

Stratocumulus clouds

9. Cumulus

These clouds are very vertically developed. They can be anywhere from .5-10 km high. They are dense, puffy, and their appearance is made in the morning.

Cumulus clouds

10. Cumulonimbus

These clouds that can bring heavy precipation are very vertically developed. The can cause static on a AM radio.

Cumulonimmbus clouds


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We just played a game called Dizios.  It consists of colored tiles with dots on them, and you try to get the most points by connecting your tile (by color) to other tiles on the table.  You get points by how many dots are on the tiles you touched with your play.

It normally is a fun game.  I lost miserably.  Some people say the joy is in playing a game.  Those people obviously have never lost at anything.

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Word Jong Party Wii

Word Jong Party wii

One of our favorite games for the wii is Word Jong Party.  You have a stack of tiles and you get points for every word you make.  The first person to the set amount wins.  Sounds pretty fun, right?  Well, I think so because…. I dominate!  My uncle plays me when he comes over and he’s never beaten me!  It is always a battle.  He always says, “I’ve got bad news for you. I’m going to BEAT you in Word Jong.” But he never does.

This is a game I would totally recommend to people who like word games  It’ s pretty fun, because when you get more than four letters in a word you get cruel items like freezing your opponets’ tiles, mixing up their tiles, blacking out their screen, and more.  This game is also available as an app, but I would recommend getting the wii version because it is available to up to four players.  Word Jong Party has quickly become a favorite in our house.

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1. Lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull.

2. Lacking taste, zest, or flavor; flat.

This adjective sounds a lot like our dog. Most of the time he just lies around with a bored expression on his furry face. Visitors or walks pep him up though.

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A nosy person; a busybody. From the Latin phrase “quid nunc?” which means “what now?”

Stump your friends with this one. Just don’t call them a quidnunc!

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1. a boy, youth, or young man
2. a waiter or servant

I just started Rosetta Stone French. I couldn’t let the little garcon of our house outdo me. For some reason I have a lot of trouble pronouncing “Garcon”, but other than that it is going well.

He is trying to save up for “Angry Birds Knock on Wood”, so he gets a quarter for every lesson he does. For some reason the Angry Birds obsession that has swept the nation has taken over him too. He has three plush toys of the birds. There is a lot of squawking going on at our house.

Angry Birds Knock on Wood

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The Deadliest Creature Alive

The sea wasp is the most venomous jellyfish. Its poisoning ability is greater than any snake. Its search for shrimp leads it to the beach where people are often found swimming. It’s so deadly that when stung, a swimmer dies in the attempt to stagger to shore.  This transparent creature, which is difficult to see, is only found in Australia’s oceans.  This blob of neurotoxin can kill over 50 people.  The sea wasp is the deadliest creature alive.

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An aquatic opossum of tropical America having webbed hind feet and a long tail.
I discovered this little animal when I was browsing by dictionary for a word for today.

This little guy happens to be the only aquatic marsupial. It is solitary and nocturnal. The females have a mechanism that seals their pouch so they can still swim with their babies. If you look at the top picture, you can easily see that their front feet have “fingers” while their back feet are webbed. This is the only animal I’ve ever seen with a combination like that!

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It Was a Dark and Stormy Night…..

This well known phrase written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton definitely describes tonight. A dark gruesome cloud fills the oddly lit sky. My scared dog looks nervously around while sitting at my side in the basement. The ominous questions that lurk in mind are: will we have to spend hours in the basement with my freaked out dog and nutty little brother? Will I get dinner? These are the questions that haunt me.

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